Look around your immediate environment, there are aged people and conversations with some of them often tilts towards a certain subject matter, which is not far fetch. It is their ascension unto glory.
While we often try to rebuke them from saying or thinking of such, they insist this is a reality that awaits them anytime soon. This reality they speak of is often reinforced by their incessant feelings of illness, some of which are unavoidable as they come with old age.
It is emotional to see your parents go through this process during their last years, days or weeks on earth, there are much more you could do to give them a reason to not only live longer on earth but enjoy every bit of it.
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Today, only a few foundations in the country are aged friendly in their programmes. The foundation have make a duty to impact age people lives and therefore organised annual event like 2022 Senior Citizen Conference held at the International Conference Centre Abuja last year, featuring aged women in their 70s, 80s and 90s, walk majestically and fashionably down the walk-way as they showcased various shades and designs of outfits.
Except you get a closer look at them, you may be lured to think the women are in their 40s and 30s as they beamed with smiles as the audience showed them with standing ovation and shouts to commend their appearance.
At the foundation, in line with our vision, we cherish the elderly so much because for us we know what our body tells us sometimes when we overwork ourselves; the aches and pains; talk less of the old people generally. One thing we have at the back of my mind is that they are the generation that cannot wait.
“We don’t have a facility for old people yet but we are working towards having our own and that is why we are asking Nigerian citizens and those in the diaspora to support what we are doing and bring our dream to reality.
Speaking on how people have since reacted to what the foundation is doing, “We have a lot of people already calling in to ask us what we are doing. The aged foundation is rare in our country.
“People want to know more and that is part of the reasons why we want to launch officially. We are just a foundation but if we have the support of pharmaceutical companies we should be able to meet up medications for sicknesses peculiar to the aged.